Coffee Enema Instructions

The goal of a coffee enema is to stimulate the gallbladder to release bile – and bile stores toxins.

Items and Materials Needed:

  • 4 cups of Purified Water for Heating.
  • 2 Tablespoons of Premier Organic Coffee.
  • Enema Bucket
  • Lubricant -for insertion of tube into rectum. Use a few drops of Olive Oil or Sesame Oil. Avoid petroleum jellies such as KY or Vaseline.
  • Old towels to lie on the floor.

The chemicals found in commercially grown coffee could damage the liver when used as a coffee enema. Only use organically grown coffee!

Water quality is very important. Tap water is loaded with chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs, jet fuel, solvents, plastics and sometimes mold and bacteria. Only use filtered water, spring water or reverse osmosis water.


  1. Grind Coffee Beans.
    Grind 2 Tablespoons of coffee to a fine powder. Do not grind the beans ahead of time! Pre-ground coffee beans are partially oxidized & should not be used.
  1. Boil Water.
    Heat 4 cups of water to just below the boiling point (about 205 degrees F). Turn off heat, remove from stove, add freshly ground coffee. Allow to cool to 100 degrees F. If this takes too long (after 4-6 minutes), you can add ice until the water cools to 100 degrees F.
  1. Strain Mixture.
    Strain the coffee mixture to remove any large particles that could clog the enema tube. It is important that the coffee is completely strained; otherwise the enema tube will clog.


**You can skip step three if you decide to use a French Press or Automatic Coffee Maker. Add freshly ground coffee and water (about 205 degrees F) to your French Press. Infuse 4-6 minutes and plunge. Allow to cool to 100 degrees F. If this takes too long, add ice until the water cools to 100 degrees F.


  1. Take Enema.
    Apply a small amount of oil, such as olive oil or sesame oil to the tip of enema nozzle.

Elevating the enema bucket is necessary to have enough pressure for fluid to flow into the colon.

While laying on your right side, with your knees up in the fetal position, insert the enema nozzle about six inches into your colon. Release the clamp to allow the liquid to flow into the colon.
Take 1/2 quart, or 2 cups, into the bowels and hold for 10minutes. Close the clamp, remove the nozzle and lay on your right side. After 10 minutes, expel the fluid. Then take in the second ½ quart and hold for another 10 minutes. Then expel. You’re done!

Special Note:

After taking in the liquid and you feel a strong urge to expel, even after a few minutes, go ahead and expel it. This is due to the release of internal toxins. Eventually it will be easier to hold the coffee for 10 minutes because the toxic burden will lessen in the colon. If you experience nausea, you may want to follow the enema with a warm cup of tea, such as green tea or herbal tea.

Best Time to Take an Enema

The best time to take a coffee enema is first thing in the morning, after the bowels have emptied, or early afternoon. Do not take a coffee enema within 5 hours of going to bed.

Salt Water Enema

Another method is to take a salt water enema before the coffee enema to empty the bowels.   Add 2 teaspoons of Pink Salt to 4 cups of warm water. Take in and hold for 5 minutes or until bowels release.   After expelling the salt water, prepare the coffee enema as mentioned above.

Recommended Number of Coffee Enemas

Once a week for 3 months.