Eating out can be tricky when you are on a restricted diet plan. You will have to make smart choices about where you go and once there, look over the menu. If the menu does not have a reasonable selection for you, you can always order off the menu. M

ost restaurants are happy to fill your request. If I can’t find anything else, I always ask for a chopped or green salad and a grilled fish.

Some common foods to stay away from:

Sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, pasta, noodle dishes, potatoes, omelets, burritos, lattes, cappuccinos, all coffee drinks, soy sauce, and all desserts unless they are plain fruits.

The first week is dedicated to preparing your body for detoxification. I realize that our program requires a fairly radical reorientation toward food and your eating habits. This first week is designed to clear your mind, reduce inflammation, reduce stress and makes some effective changes to the old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve you.

Take some time this week to set your intentions. Setting your intention is the root of success.

Mia Scheid of Fitness Arts is doing a detox throughout the month of September and invites everyone to follow along with her! For all of our past detox related posts, visit our Twitter or Facebook pages, or visit the detox section of our website’s Wellness Library.