Wellness Library

Alternative to Back Surgery

Wellness Alternative to Back Surgery Dennis was in considerable pain, his MRI showed a ruptured area between vertebrae in his lower back, and he was destined for surgery. That was

2016-10-26T12:50:44-05:00September 21st, 2016|Wellness Minute Videos|Comments Off on Alternative to Back Surgery

How wellness transformed her life: This was her first step back to health after suffering from thyroid issues, celiac disease, and more

Stephanie suffered from a long list of conditions. After years of trying to resolve them with conventional medicine, she began to research and consider alternative solutions. Stephanie turned to wellness

2016-10-26T12:51:13-05:00August 10th, 2016|General Health & Wellness, Wellness Minute Videos|Comments Off on How wellness transformed her life: This was her first step back to health after suffering from thyroid issues, celiac disease, and more

Mia Scheid and Fitness Arts’ detox, weight loss, and wellness services featured in Suburban Woman Magazine

  From Suburban Woman Magazine Every woman should feel beautiful, graceful and dignified.  Declare that this is your one and only body.  Take care of it until your last breath.

2016-10-26T12:51:27-05:00July 14th, 2016|Detox, General Health & Wellness, News & Announcements, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Mia Scheid and Fitness Arts’ detox, weight loss, and wellness services featured in Suburban Woman Magazine

Detox Essentials: 3 to 6 Day Fast Instructions

Participating in our detox program? Click here to download the instructions to our fast in PDF format. You may fast as long as 6 days or as short as 3.

2016-03-31T09:46:44-05:00March 31st, 2016|Detox|Comments Off on Detox Essentials: 3 to 6 Day Fast Instructions

Achieve Perfect Health: Certified Chopra Center Instructors offer Classes/Private Sessions in Palatine, IL

Achieve Perfect Health Certified Chopra Center instructors offer classes/private sessions in three areas at Fitness Arts in Palatine, IL: Primordial sound meditation Perfect health lifestyle program The seven spiritual laws

2016-10-26T12:51:36-05:00March 12th, 2016|General Health & Wellness|Comments Off on Achieve Perfect Health: Certified Chopra Center Instructors offer Classes/Private Sessions in Palatine, IL
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