Eat only fresh fruits and veggies for the next two days or follow the One Day Juice Fast, instructions are in the Fitness Arts Wellness Library. You can find the food list as well as other useful information that can assist you in this detox.
The Flush Day (Friday or Saturday)
Items you’ll need are:
2 Lemons and 2 limes for citrus juices
- 1 Lemon for Epsom salts drink
- 1 quart of Grapefruit Juice
- 1 quart of Orange Juice
- ½ gallon of purified water
- Apple Juice (24 oz. to mix with water. About 2:1 or 3:1)
- Epsom Salts – 5 tablespoons (Epsom salts can be found in drug stores and most health food stores)
- Premier Olive Oil – ½ cup (available at fitness arts)
- Gallbladder Clear – 15 capsules (available at fitness arts)
- Gallbladder Complex and Magnesium Sulfate (keep on hand)
- 2 pint jars with lids or similar
- You may also use oranges and lemons if you cannot tolerate grapefruit.
- Castor Pack, heating pad or hot water bottle, plastic bag, old towel or sheet
- 2-3 quarts freshly juiced, organic apples (optional for those who choose to fast today)
- Betaine HCL (optional) – Excellent to take with the Flush Drink to avoid nausea.
TO DO: Saturday
1. Start by drinking a liter of water with ½ tsp of Pink Salt when you awake first thing in the morning.
2. Drink 4 liters of water daily. I prepare these the night before
- 1st liter of water is mixed with 1 tsp of Pink Salt and on my nightstand so I can have easy access upon arising.
- 2nd liter is mixed with 2 tsp of Max Stress B to take with me to work so I can drink it throughout the day.
- 3rd liter is mixed with ½ tsp of Pink Salt also to take with me to work so I can drink it throughout the day.
- 4th liter is typically just pure water that I drink once I get home after work.
3. Dry skin brush for 5-10 minutes before you shower
4. Get plenty of sleep (minimum of 5 continuous hours between 11 pm & 5 am)
5. 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise. Try to get a brisk walk in the morning, if not able to do so, walk when you get home from work. Have a pair of walking shoes in your car. Lower you stress level and increase your positive attitude by taking a walk after work.
This one day juice fast is so easy, that virtually everybody can do it without the extra drama of the longer ones. It doesn’t require a serious plan yet it is very effective. It’s a great detox for your body and it gives your digestive system the long awaited break at least for a day. You can repeat this one day juice fast for several days in a row if you wish. For those of you who want to lose a few pounds, you can lose 1-3 pounds per day!
I recommend starting with the one day juice fast once per week for at least for 2 months. It is also a great full year detox – one day juicing fast every week, or even every month works wonders for your body and health.
1. Start by drinking either lime/lemon water by squeezing a fresh lime or lemon into 16 oz. of warm water followed by Probiotic supplement. This helps to clean the intestines. Follow with another 16 oz. bottle of water with ½ tsp of Pink Salt and drink.
2. Drink 4 liters of water daily. Prepare these the night before
- 1st liter of water is mixed with 1 tsp of Pink Salt and on my nightstand so I can have easy access upon arising.
- 2nd liter is mixed with 2 tsp of Max Stress B to take with me to work so I can drink it throughout the day.
- 3rd liter is mixed with ½ tsp of Pink Salt also to take with me to work so I can drink it throughout the day.
- 4th liter is typically just pure water that I drink once I get home after work.
3. Dry skin brush for 5-10 minutes before you shower
4. Make a smoothie for breakfast by combining the following ingredients:
- ¼ cup of Brooming Powder, 1 tsp EFA Oil, 1 tsp Flax Oil and 3 drops of Vitamin D3 (available at Fitness Arts)
- 1 cup of Apple Juice
- 1 cup of purified water
5. Pick one fruit or vegetable combination for the day and stick with it. Choose in season products. My personal favorites apples, carrots, beetroot and ginger.
6. Dilute the juice with some spring water to avoid raising your blood sugar levels.
7. Drink 3 cups of fresh made juice for the day replacing breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack . Drink slowly.
8. Don’t forget to drink water. Your body needs 4 liters per day. I add the following to each liter and drink daily: 1st liter: ½ tsp to 1 tsp of Pink Salt, 2nd liter: 1 tsp of Greens Mix Powder and 2 drops of Peppermint Oil, 3rd liter: 2 tsp of Max Stress B
9. It’s best to make the juice right before drinking, however, you can juice enough for the day and take with you in a thermos.
10. The idea behind this fast is to give your digestive system a break. Don’t eat. Juice… If you feel hungry, drink more juice, water, tea, clear broth. During the fast, avoid smoking, alcohol, coffee, black tea, caffeinated beverage. You can drink lemon or lime water and herb teas.
11. Workday may be easier to fast as your mind will be occupied by work at hand. Weekends tend to be more social and food is typically involved. Temptation is unwelcome during a fast.
12. Plan ahead for your evening. A good movie, a nice book, a nice distraction. Temptations are the worst in the evening. Remember, you can eat in the morning.
13. Make sure your fridge and pantry is not full with things you love to eat or snack. I suggest that you box up any tempting dry snacks. Tape up the box. Put it out of site. Don’t temp yourself.
14. Do light workouts! I suggest a 30-60 minute brisk walk or similar exercise in the morning if possible. Do not exhaust yourself.
15. Make your one day juicing fast a tradition and repeat it every week. Your body will transform in just a few months and you will be glad that you did!
16. Start you next day with 16 oz of lemon/lime water followed by the smoothie. Plan on having a small piece of protein and some veggies for lunch and dinner. Use fruits as snacks. Avoid processed foods.
17. Detox tea – few pieces fresh ginger steeped in hot water, fresh squeezed lemon, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1 tsp raw honey
Saturday Directions:
Anytime after you arise and before noon: Do not eat this morning and Stay close to home.
- Dissolve 1 TBS of Epsom salts to 1 cup of warm water and drink. This will induce laxative effect.
- Stay near home/bathroom.
- Mix juice of 2 lemons, 1 quart of Grapefruit Juice and 1 Qt of water and drink approx 1 cup every 30 minutes until finished
- The citrus mixture will activate bowel movements. If you are not eliminating after a few hours, repeat step #1 and drink more clear fluids.
- Mix juice of 2 limes, 1 Qt of Orange Juice and 1 Qt of water and drink approx 1 cup every30 minutes until finished
- Urge to eliminate should occur each time you drink the citrus mixture.
- Drink as much clear fluids; water and herbal teas as you want.
- Around 9:30 pm or earlier if you want to retire sooner:
- Mix ¾ cup of Oliver Oil with 1 cup of Grapefruit Juice in a blender
- Use a thick straw and drink immediately
- Go to bed and lie down on your right side, you may feel queasy within 15-30 minutes after you drink the Olive Oil mixture. Be still, breathe and try to sleep. It will pass shortly.
- You may have slept very well or you may have had a restless night. Hopefully you didn’t vomit but even if you did, you will benefit from the olive oil that you were able to metabolize. You may have also had a bowel movement or two.
1. Upon arising
- If you did not have a bowel movement, dissolve 1 TBS of Epsom salts to 1 cup of warm water and drink.
- Continue to drink clear fluids such as herbal teas or water with a lemon or lime wedge.
- Coffee Enema. Instruction is available on our website—–
- Drink shakes every 3 hours (up to 5 per day for up to 3 days)
¼ cup of Brooming Powder
1 cup Apple Juice
1/2 tsp each Flax Oil and EFA Oil
2 drop D3
- 3. Drink other clear fluids such as water, herbal teas and vegetable broth with pink salt.
- Please use our Fitness Arts facebook page if you have any questions or concerns. I will be checking it often and will answer your questions.
Happy flushing!!
Stay tuned for Rejuvenation Week protocols